Win an award!

I have started a blog award badge for the primary reason of commending the blogs I read regularly for travel inspiration, information and tips. I think these blogs should be celebrated and shared with the rest of the travel blogging community so we can network and build something special.

The secondary reason for creating my own badge to award, is to help me get to grips with html and gain more experience of designing for the web!

I have started by awarding the ‘lifetime’s exploration’ badge to five of my favourites and will hereafter award badges when I have been truly inspired by a beautiful photograph, exciting posts and inspirational travel stories. Those winners can then spread the joy and award my badge to other inspirational travel bloggers.

Here’s what to do if you have been awarded a badge…

Congratulations! Firstly paste the badge onto your blog using the html code below and then nominate 5 other travel bloggers to receive the award. Nice and easy!

a lifetime's exploration
<div align="center"><a href="" title="a lifetime's exploration" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="a lifetime's exploration" style="border:none;" /></a></div>